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Coaching make up







































We're going to set the foundation so you can build and customize your look.You'll learn the skills needed to create a simple, clean and current look whether it?s for work or special night out.Your participation in this lesson will equip you with customized techniques to save you time while creating your personalized Go To Makeup Look EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















I felt like I wasn’t just working alongside her, I was working with her and learning every step of the way.Not only did the class focus on makeup skills, we went over how to give your client the best consultation, bridal trials, sanitation, and email and booking etiquette.Please go to our Contact page to request a class outline and to check dates available.I am now manager and lead stylist in a bridal salon in Seattle, and I feel that Kim gave me the knowledge I needed to get there.This is to guarantee that you are comfortable with all face shapes, skin tones, and skin types.I highly recommend this class to anyone looking to get into the industry.There’s so much more to freelancing than just doing makeup and Kim really helps set you up for success.She is so knowledgeable about makeup trends, working with different face shapes, eye shapes and skin tones and so willing to teach and help you grow in your skills.I could not be more thankful for everything she taught me.I was also given the opportunityGift Certificates are available for purchase, contact Kim for more information! Private Makeup Lesson Learn how to apply your own makeup and about the best products for you to use This class will help you achieve your perfect day to night makeup look with a focus on eye makeup looks Customized to fit your lifestyle and you will receive a face chart with all colors and products

Natalie Setareh Wiesbaden Luxury Makeup Artist & Beauty Coach

I'm also mom, veteran, lip syncing extraordinaire, amongst other quirks you'll find the longer you're here.I'm am based in Wiesbaden, Germany however, travel worldwide for my clients.I offer a world-class makeup artistry services as well as makeup education, in the form of private lessons, parties, and workshops.I?m an award-winning luxury makeup artist, makeup educator, author, and bonafide makeup aficionado.I also love helping aspiring makeup artists jumpstart their businesses, just saying.I truly believe that makeup, when applied well, can transform us in so many ways.She'd love to bring your beauty dreams and goals to life MAKE-UP COACHING — SoChevon.


Makeup By Kim Porter.

567.56.346.99Be it for everyday life or for special occasions like a party or a romantic dinner out, the person will finally be able to make the most of her own unique features.Based on the results of the analysis and the profile thereby obtained, I’ll establish a detailed personal skin care and make-up plan, pointing out the products that are most appropriate to her skin type as well as the textures and colours that will sublimate the person while respecting her personality.She will be attending the forthcoming MakeUp in Paris. ? - Where Passion meets Expertise.Independence represents one of the fundamental principles of Beauty Coaching as I see it.Analysing the face close-up therefore is the first step of the Beauty Coaching, an essential basis for establishing a made-to-measure personal beauty plan.Foundations, concealers, blushers, lipsticks will become her best friends.Little by little, over time, each gesture will become a natural gesture and make up will hold no more mysteries for her.With the help of this precious booklet the person will master everything she will have learned with me.

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What makes a GOOD COACH



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